Buen Día Javi y Mar

Name of podcast: Buen Día Javi y Mar (Good Moring Javi and Mar)

What topics are covered?

This podcast is about funny facts, anecdotes, jokes and daily living adventures. Anchors provide news from Spain, actual events and places to go in a fun and entertaining way. The anchors are young and fun and enjoy talking among themselves.

Why is it good to listen to?

This is an excellent podcast to learn all the current Spanish jargon of old and new generations while getting to know the latest news, gossips, events and nice places to visit in Spain.

To listen or subscribe to the podcast, please visit https://itunes.apple.com/mx/podcast/buenos-dias-javi-y-mar!/id337908494?mt=2

How often are the podcasts updated: This program runs every morning, so podcasts are available on a daily basis.

Length of each podcast: Podcast length varies from 40 to 45 minutes.

Podcast description:

Interesting, fun filled program with information about actual events, shows and other topics directed by anchors Javier and Mar, who talk with a strong Spanish accent and use many mannerisms and words from Spain. The podcasters talk among themselves and other collaborators like a group of friends preparing to go partying.

Although the hosts cover news and other events, they focus on where to go, how to travel, gossip about famous people and especially about anecdotes about themselves or those sent in by their audience. They are great comedians and laugh at their own excellent jokes making fun of everything and everybody.


Spoken in a strong Spanish accent, using mannerisms and sayings from Spain, anchors Javi and Mar enjoy making fun of themselves and others in any given situation while talking among themselves about where to go partying, drinking or for good entertainment.