Emprende Exitoso

Name of podcast: Emprende Exitoso

What topics are covered?  This podcast covers stories about successful entrepreneurs and business directors, their stories, mistakes and how they got over them, their advice to other business men and women and facts and figures about their own businesses.

Why is it good to listen to: Very clear and understandable Spanish podcast with interesting stories about successful business leaders and how they got through bad times or how they dealt with problems and other issues. Good for listeners who are willing either to start a business or improve their own and even for those who just want to hear facts about famous business founders.

To listen or subscribe to the podcast, please visit https://itunes.apple.com/mx/podcast/emprendeexitoso-con-john-lee/id884926559?l=en&mt=2

How often are the podcasts updated: These podcasts are updated every two days and sometimes on a daily basis.

Length of each podcast: Each podcast in this list ranges from 29 to 45 minutes in length.

Podcast description: Created by John Lee Dumas and narrated/translated into Spanish by anchorman Victor Perez, this podcast are of great value to all those who want to improve or start a new business. It is set on an interview format, where the anchorman picks an entrepreneur and invites him to the show to talk about his business, failures, success stories, challenges and more. Victor carefully chooses the topics and ends the interview with 5 questions directed to the business owner that provide tips and strategies to the listeners. Some of the tips include marketing strategies and other ideas that have worked for them.

Summary: Informative podcast in neutral Spanish run by Victor Perez and produced by John Lee Dumas where business owners are interviewed and asked questions about their own success and failure stories.