El Podcast de Marketing Online

Name of podcast: El Podcast de Marketing Online

What topics are covered? This podcast covers online marketing tools, information and ideas on how to implement marketing strategies online.

Why is it good to listen to?

A very well organized podcast about Online Marketing providing advice, ideas and answering questions about this new form of marketing that has evolved with the internet.

To listen or subscribe to the podcast, please visit https://itunes.apple.com/es/podcast/podcast-marketing-online/id879629380?mt=2

How often are the podcasts updated? This podcast is updated on a daily basis.

Length of each podcast:Vary from 9 to 25 minutes.

Podcast description:

Joan Boluda talks about Online Marketing on a daily basis, dividing his week by covering a different topic each day. Mondays he answers listeners questions, Tuesdays he gives ideas for online businesses, Wednesdays is successful stories day (advice that have had a positive effect and achieved success) Thursdays he has a guest, an expert on a specific topic who will answer questions and share knowledge and finally on Fridays he will talk about topics that the listeners have requested. Joan is a very active speaker who keeps the listener entertained and well-informed. He speaks Spanish with a Spain accent and sometimes he can speak a little bit too fast when he is introducing the podcast. When he is talking about the subject he is developing, he is clear and tries to talk slowly so that everybody can catch up. He also goes back and explains difficult terms.

Summary: Podcast containing general information and tips on Online Marketing in Spanish.