Herrera en la Onda

Name of podcast: Herrera en la Onda

What topics are covered? This daily podcast aired in Spain starts up with the regional news topics, travels through the international topics and after a brief description goes into social life, actual events, shows, comedy, jokes and sports.

Why is it good to listen to? This podcast is not only very entertaining but also very informative. It is the right mix, providing the listeners with good quality news, sports and other events. Anchorman Herrera is an expert and will keep the audience entertained and motivated through the whole show. This program is good for everybody.

To listen or subscribe to the podcast, please visit http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-herrera-onda_sq_f1617_1.html

How often are the podcasts updated? Podcasts are updated on a daily basis.

Length of each podcast: Podcasts vary from 29 minutes to up to 2 hours.

Podcast description: Anchorman Herrera delivers news, sports, actual events such as shows and new movie releases in an entertaining manner that keeps the listener interested. He always has guests and interviews of  different well-known people, ranging from sports to politics to beauty pageants.

The podcast host also tells jokes and answers questions from the audience, solves doubts and gives advice always with good humor. He talks very clearly although when he delivers news he can talk a little faster.

Summary: Very complete and informative podcast aired in Spain by anchorman Herrera about a wide variety of interesting topics ranging from news to actual events, contest, advice and jokes. Fun and easy to listen to.