Futuro Abierto Podcast

Name of podcast: Futuro Abierto (Open Future)

What topics are covered? This podcast covers actual events and news about Europe. Where is Europe heading? What will happen with its education? It also talks about economy, development, solar energy and other topics relevant to the European life style.

Why is it good to listen to? Anyone who lives or has friends living in Europe, will enjoy this podcast. The topics addressed are clearly spoken in a standard (Castilian) Spanish accent. Words are simple and easy to understand and all the information delivered is valuable and interesting.

To listen or subscribe to the podcast, please visit http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-futuro-abierto_sq_f12014_1.html

How often are the podcasts updated? Podcasts on this list are updated on a weekly basis.

Length of each podcast: All podcasts on this list are 54 to 55 minutes long.

Podcast description:

This is a very interesting Spanish podcast that invites the audience to reflect on life events and topics concerning the European (and world-wide) community. Issues addressed include energy saving, recycling, education, economy, fuel shortage, real estate crisis and many more.

Podcast anchors Carmen Gomar, María del Puerto and Tato Puerto explain the issues inviting the listeners to participate with ideas and opinions and to make a difference doing so. This podcast creates a conscience and promotes change towards a better future by involving the audience in a proactive way to participate within its community.


This is a well-directed Spanish podcast in which its European hosts invite and guide their audience to actively participate in actual events to help create a better society for Europe and the world. Good for all people interested in knowing more about Europe, its economy, education and other relevant topics.