En Búsqueda de la Historia

Name of podcast: En Búsqueda de la Historia (In Search of History)

What topics are covered? This podcast has a great selection of interesting documentaries about history and science. They also spice up things sometimes by adding special programs like “dangerous sects” and “The Amityville Story”.

Why is it good to listen to?

Very informative podcast that will captivate the listener with well written and clear stories about historical facts and myths. Good for all ages and genres that enjoy learning about world events, history and science, spoken in a clear European Spanish accent.

To listen or subscribe to the podcast, please visit http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-en-busca-de-la-historia_sq_f156929_1.html

How often are the podcasts updated? The podcasts on this list are updated every other day.

Length of each podcast: The length of the podcasts vary from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Podcast description:

This is a very good compilation of informative documentaries spoken in clear European Spanish voices, by expert anchors with impeccable wording and pronunciation. Topics range from science (The Universe, by Stephen Hawking) to urban legends (UFO´s) and include interesting stories like sects and spy stories. All programs are introduced and explained and although the audience is expected to draw their own conclusions, they specify which facts are real and proven or just mere assumptions or popular beliefs.


This podcast from Spain includes a hand-picked list of excellent documentaries spoken in a clear and simple language. Interesting to all listeners who want to learn more about history, science or fiction.